How it works?

Step 1
Find a workout
Install FitRadar app
and choose where you want to go. Use filters: with their help, you can navigate only between picked favorites or go through all nearby workouts.
Step 2
Book it
Few clicks more through checkout - and you are in the going’s list! If workout is not free,
will be reserved until workout is finished.
Step 3
Tell the host that you have booked a FitRadar class and show the booking screen. If you can
attend, you can cancel your free booking anytime and paid booking before 2 hours.
Host workouts

Become popular with
Free workouts
By hosting free workouts, you can attract a new audience and build trust with potential
It's a great way to showcase your skills and expertise while providing value to your
Monetize with
Paid workouts
By offering high-quality paid workouts, you can attract more dedicated and motivated
customers who
are willing to pay for your expertise. Plus, as you accumulate positive ratings and reviews,
potential customers will see your profile and be inclined to book sessions with you.
Share it on socials!
Don't forget to share your workouts on your social media platforms to reach an even wider
Spread the word about your fitness classes and attract more attendees to your sessions.
Let's build
a community of healthy and motivated individuals together!

How it works?
Step 1
Find a workout
Install FitRadar app
and choose where you want to go. Use filters: with their help, you can navigate only between picked favorites or go through all nearby workouts.
Step 2
Book it
Few clicks more through checkout - and you are in the going’s list! If workout is not free,
will be reserved until workout is finished.
Step 3
Tell the host that you have booked a FitRadar class and show the booking screen. If you can
attend, you can cancel your free booking anytime and paid booking before 2 hours.
Host workouts
Become popular with
Free workouts
By hosting free workouts, you can attract a new audience and build trust with potential
It's a great way to showcase your skills and expertise while providing value to your
Monetize with
Paid workouts
By offering high-quality paid workouts, you can attract more dedicated and motivated
customers who
are willing to pay for your expertise. Plus, as you accumulate positive ratings and reviews,
potential customers will see your profile and be inclined to book sessions with you.
Share it on socials!
Don't forget to share your workouts on your social media platforms to reach an even wider
Spread the word about your fitness classes and attract more attendees to your sessions.
Let's build
a community of healthy and motivated individuals together!

filter workouts
Use filters to set distance, favorites and other presets
feedbacks & ratings
Our ratings system is based only on true feedback
safe payments
We partner with Stripe® to secure money operations
iOS & Android
Designed and developed for 2 platforms
3 languages available at the moment, more coming soon
No ads, or any other spam & promoted content
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